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2023년 겨울방학영어캠프 신청접수중입니다.

Category:영어캠프 상세안내 Tags : 

안녕하십니까? 2001년부터 시작하여 20년의 오랜 노하우를 바탕으로 다져 진 와우사이판 영어캠프에서 2년 간의 침묵을 깨고 드디어 2023년 겨울방학 사이판영어캠프를 출발 확정하였습니다. 현재 신청 접수 중이며, 9월 한 달 조기 예약 시 특별 할인 혜택이 주어집니다. 유일하게 사이판 대학교 옆에 현지직영 홈기숙사를 운영하고 있으며, 매년 사이판에서 여름, 겨울방학캠프를 오랫동안 진행하여 쌓인 노하우를 바탕으로, 특히, 미국정규사립학교참가방과 후 전문 어학원 소그룹 원어민수업 참여로 프로그램이 차별화 되어 있으며, 저녁 시간에는 홈 기숙사에서 지도 선생님의 보충 과외로 단기간에 영어실력향상이라는 목표 달성에 최선을 두고 있습니다. 또한 안전한 케어를 위해 24시 가디언이 상주 하여 관리한다는 점이 큰 장점입니다.

겨울방학영어캠프 프로그램은 정규 미국사립학교 EUCON International School? ESL 3주+정규수업참가 1주로 진행합니다.? 캠프에 참가학생들은 오전9시터 오후3시까지 원어민 정규교사의 영어집중프로그램에 참여 각자의 레벨로 나뉘어져 수업을 받게 됩니다.?또한 유일하게 방과후 After School 특별보충수업을 전문 아카데미에서 따로 두시간 소그룹 1:4 원어민 특별 수업을 받습니다.? 그 외, 저녁시간에는 지도교사의 보충 튜터링과 자율학습지도를 받게됩니다. 최대한 하루일과를 영어학습과 영어생활로? 노출되도록 최선을 다하려고 합니다.? 또한 현지관공서방문 현장학습, 봉사활동, 스트리트 마켓 등 다양한 현지체험 프로그램과 다양한 주말 액티비티 등 풍성한 프로그램이 구성되어 있습니다.

와우영어캠프가 직접 운영하는 프로그램인 만큼 무엇보다 안전 돌봄과 세심한 배려를 우선 시 하면서 학습 관리에 집중하는 데 강점이 있습니다. 또한 온라인 커뮤니티로 학생들의 생활 활동 사진과 소식을 매일 업데이트하여 학부모와 함께 소통하도록 하는데 장점이 있습니다.

와우영어캠프 2023년 내 자녀 겨울방학 사이판 영어캠프 참가 대상은? 초등학교 3학년부터 중학교 3학년까지 이며, 기간은 2023년 01월04일부터 2022년 02월01일 까지 이며 비용은 자녀만 참가시 540만원입니다. (항공료 및 개인용돈 별도 불포함)

자~와우영어캠프 함께 다시 모여 봅시다!!!


임직원 올림

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A message to our teachers

Category:미분류 Tags : 

5월4일 -8일은??National Teacher Appreciation Week 이다. 여기에 많은 학생들의 선생님에 대한 감사의 메세지를 전달합니다.

“Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all of you PSS and Hopwood teachers! Thank you for guiding us as students to help achieve our goals and dreams. Thank you for constantly encouraging us. Thank you for making a difference in every student’s life. Thank you for being there even though you all are going through a tough time. We couldn’t thank you enough for being the best teachers you all could possibly be! We are all Hilitai Strong!”
?Jiro Motenejo, Chalan Kanoa

“Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, we have many things to be grateful for and that includes our teacher! I would like to thank teachers because of their efforts in providing us with the education and foundation that we as students long for. At these times, teachers have not only gone out their way to give us love, care, and support, but have done that…virtually. As a student, I [want] to thank these educators because, without them, I would not have gained the stability and fruitful knowledge to become a well-rounded individual. Stay strong, teachers, for your pupils are supporting you, just as how you’ve always supported us.
?Kalea Borja, Kagman

“Thank you for everything you’ve done for your students. We can’t thank you enough for all you do to provide us the best education we need. Although things have been really rough, we will always stand by your side. You all continue to inspire and motivate us every day to help us succeed in life. You all changed our lives in many ways that we’ll cherish forever. Thank you for constantly encouraging us and guiding us to achieve our goals in life. Thank you for always being there for us no matter what. We miss you teachers, happy Teacher’s Appreciation Week!”
? Daphne Cruzana, DanDan

“Thank you for never giving up on us even when times are tough. I had so many teachers that acted as role models to me and I can’t thank them enough. To all my past mentors, thank you for never leaving me behind. And to all the teachers out there, thank you for working so hard to make the future of the CNMI educated!”
?Christian Bravo, Chinatown

“Despite the whole controversy between PSS and the government and the COVID-19 situation, the love and appreciation I have for my teachers will never change. The challenges they face while still being able to work and keep in touch with their students inspires me. I even consider some to be my second mom or dad. This situation made me realize how much I actually miss seeing them and sitting in their classrooms. I am grateful for all the countless hours you put into lesson planning, teaching, grading, coaching, chaperoning, counseling, and many more! Your hard work and dedication toward the school system will never be left unnoticed.”
?Charlene Danganan, San Jose

“Even before this pandemic, I was fortunate and blessed to be given such enthusiastic and passionate instructors. I cannot commend them enough for what they do. They have helped and guided me so much that new opportunities opened up for me. Through this pandemic, they’ve stayed passionate in class and try their best to engage, interact, and most importantly, check up on us. And for all of that, I am forever grateful and appreciative of all teachers that work tirelessly for us students. We love you, happy Teacher Appreciation Week!”
?John Delos Reyes, Chalan Kanoa

“We often forget what important roles teachers play in our lives. We may not realize it but teachers impact our lives more than we could ever imagine. Without them, we would not be standing at where we are today. They don’t just educate us, but they also teach us valuable life lessons. I would like to show my gratitude to all teachers and everything they have done for me and my fellow classmates. I want to remind them though this difficult time [that] we still love and think of them. We are grateful for their efforts, happy Teacher Appreciation Week!”
?Davean Gonzales, Gualo Rai

“Our teachers do so much more for us than we think. They spend countless hours and efforts for our growth, not just as students but as people. They are patient and hardworking, sometimes sacrificing sleep and even their own needs to put us, students, first. They are selfless and considerate, doing everything in their power to incorporate even just one student’s thoughts and feelings. They are caring and compassionate, for it takes the kindness out of one’s heart to teach. They are strong, because even in times of hardship, they are still there to guide us. They do all these things, yet we sometimes forget to acknowledge all that they do. So, to every teacher, from every student, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We appreciate you! Happy Teachers’ Appreciation Week!”
?Jobelle Tabuena, DanDan

“The influence of a great teacher can never be erased. They work hard to educate us and to help us become better individuals. They are our cheerleaders who want nothing more than to see us succeed. It is unfortunate that teachers are overlooked, overworked, and underpaid, despite greatly contributing into shaping the future leaders of tomorrow. I think without the amazing teachers that I have had throughout my academic journey, I would not have been the person that I am today. To my incredible teachers, thank you for inspiring me to pursue my dreams and to believe in myself. To students, be kind to your teachers, they only want what is best for you. Teachers are extraordinary human beings and I hope the passion to teach and to spread knowledge will live forever.”
?Kyla Tuazon, San Antonio

“Appreciating your teachers is just as important as learning. Just like students, we tend to forget they have their trials and are human beings like us. Regardless of their age or gender, everyone is going through their own battles. Yet they still do their best to show up every day. A little ‘thank you’ or ‘how are you’ can go a long way. Everyone needs a little love here and there.”
?Raina Avelino, Gualo Rai

현지 학생들의 선생님에 대한 감사의 표현을 영어로 어떻게 하고 있는지 살펴보는 겄도 영어에 도움이 되리라 봅니다.